2020 IASP World Congress on Pain Award Winners: An Interview With Jan Vollert

At the upcoming 18th World Congress on Pain, to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 4-8, 2020, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) will present awards to highlight the achievements of up-and-coming as well as more established investigators. In advance of the meeting, PRF spoke with each of the recently announced winners. In this interview, we chat with Jan Vollert, PhD, winner of the Ronald Dubner Research Prize. This is a trainee award that honors the best clinical or basic science research paper, series of papers, or doctoral thesis in the field of pain, published or in press while training as a student, intern, resident, predoctoral fellow, postdoctoral fellow, or equivalent.

Vollert is a biostatistician working at Imperial College London, UK, and the University of Heidelberg, Germany. His research focuses on the application of statistical and computational models to pain research, mainly to quantitative sensory testing. He has made significant contributions to the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain and the EU-funded EuroPain network, particularly his work in unifying and managing the largest sensory phenotype database in the world. Here, Vollert speaks with Lincoln Tracy, PhD, a researcher and freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia, to discuss how he entered the pain research field, his work on sensory phenotypes, and who he’d want at the table with him for his ideal dinner party.

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Published by Pain Research Forum.

Jan Vollert

Lincoln M. Tracy
Research Fellow and Freelance Writer
