Personalised Treatment, Collaboration, and Puzzles: A Chat with Nanna Finnerup

Nanna Finnerup, MD, DrMedSc, is a Professor in pain research at the Danish Pain Research Center, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark and Chair of the Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group for the International Association for the Study of Pain (NeuPSIG). Her research primarily focuses on the pathophysiology and therapy of neuropathic pain. Finnerup sat down with Lincoln Tracy, a research fellow from Monash University, Australia, at the 2019 Australian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, which took place April 7-10, 2019, on the Gold Coast, Australia. Finnerup discussed how she got hooked on research, her current research interests, and her love of TV crime dramas.

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Published by the Australian Pain Society.

Nanna Finnerup

Lincoln M. Tracy
Research Fellow and Freelance Writer
